Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Amman Mineral Internasional Desember 2023

Sebelum anda bekerja sama, bersama perusahaan yang anda lamar, maka anda akan menghadapi banyak rintangan serta tantangan yang akan diberikan pihak perusahaan terhadap diri anda, hal ini bertujuan agar perusahaan dapat menemukan kandidat terbaik yang dapat mengembangkan kinerja dari pada perusahaan serta dapat meningkat peforma yang dimiliki oleh pihak perusahaan. Hal-hal yang biasanya diberikan perusahaan terhadap pelamar biasanya yaitu melakukan tahap seleksi. Tahap seleksi biasa yang paling sering dilakukan adalah Wawancara, psikotes, TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik), dan masih banyak lagi. Dan untuk itu disarankan terhadap sobat, sebelum anda mencampakan lamaran anda, anda terlebih dahulu telah meningkatkan pengetahuan yang anda miliki, serta berlatih dalam menghadapi tahapan seleksi yang paling sulit, seperti wawancara. Sehingga ketika anda menghadapi tahapan seleksi tersebut, teman tidak akan mengalami kendala, akan tetapi membangkitkan kepercayaan diri anda serta potensi yang anda miliki.

Dan berikut adalah keterangan yang dimiliki oleh pihak perusahan sebagai berikut.

Amman Mineral Internasional (AMMAN) adalah perusahaan tambang tembaga dan emas terbesar kedua di Indonesia, yang mengoperasikan tambang Batu Hijau di Pulau Sumbawa. AMMAN senantiasa menjalankan bisnis dan operasinya dengan berpedoman pada standar internasional terkait tata kelola perusahaan, prinsip keberlanjutan, dan tanggung jawab lingkungan. Visi AMMAN adalah untuk menjadi organisasi transformatif yang menciptakan warisan terbaik. Visi tersebut merupakan komitmen perusahaan untuk mencapai keunggulan dalam seluruh aspek operasional. Dengan menerapkan efisiensi operasional secara optimal dan memastikan pengelolaan keuangan yang baik, AMMAN dapat menekan biaya produksi secara optimal, hingga siap menghadapi tantangan saat siklus rendah.

Kini pihak perusahaan telah membuka rekrutmen terbaru dengan ketentuan dan persyaratan yang dibutuhkan adalah sebagai berikut.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Amman Mineral Internasional Desember 2023


To support our operations with a variety of projects and challenging tasks in EPC Power Expansion, we are looking for highly motivated professionals eager for brave thinking, foster innovation, and build collaboration to achieve operational excellence.

1. Graduate Programme – Engineer (Control)

Some of your duties will include :

  • Understand project requirements and completing all duties assigned by the Supervisor.
  • Complete all tasks set by the supervisor or Senior workers and assisting wherever possible

Observe existing strategies and techniques and offering suggestions for improvement

  • Shadow senior staff members, asking questions, and assisting wherever possible.
  • Raise concerns and making suggestions for improvement where appropriate.
  • Participating in meetings and attending workshops and other training initiatives.
  • Take notes and sharing your findings with your Supervisor and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Analysis of data and producing reports for the purpose of supporting continuous improvement throughout projects and operations, implementing mechanisms to improve the quality, efficiency and stability of processes and equipment.

Baca Juga :

Assist and perform reviews to verify conformity of activities.

  • Develop and implement improvement tools.
  • Submit to all forms of evaluation during the Development Program.
  • Compile reports and delivering presentations to staff members and other stakeholders

What skills and experience do you need?

  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant Engineering Discipline
  • 1 – 3 months field practice in technical field during study in university (Previous experience in a technical field would be an advantage)
  • A growth mindset and willingness to accept criticism.
  • Superb time management and professionalism.
  • Strong analytical and mathematical skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Proficiency with the MS Office suite, particularly MS Excel, MS Word and MS PowerPoint.

2. Graduate Programme – Engineer (Mechanical)

Some of your duties will include :

  • Understand project requirements and completing all duties assigned by the Supervisor.
  • Complete all tasks set by the supervisor or Senior workers and assisting wherever possible
  • Observe existing strategies and techniques and offering suggestions for improvement
  • Shadow senior staff members, asking questions, and assisting wherever possible.
  • Raise concerns and making suggestions for improvement where appropriate.
  • Participating in meetings and attending workshops and other training initiatives.
  • Take notes and sharing your findings with your Supervisor and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Analysis of data and producing reports for the purpose of supporting continuous improvement throughout projects and operations, implementing mechanisms to improve the quality, efficiency and stability Of processes and equipment.
  • Assist and perform reviews to verify conformity of activities.
  • Develop and implement improvement tools.
  • Submit to all forms of evaluation during the Development Program.
  • Compile reports and delivering presentations to staff members and other stakeholders

Baca Juga :

What skills and experience do you need?

  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant engineering discipline
  • 1 – 3 months field practice in technical field during study in university (Previous experience in a technical field would be an advantage)
  • A growth mindset and willingness to accept criticism.
  • Superb time management and professionalism.
  • Strong analytical and mathematical skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Proficiency with the MS Office suite, particularly MS Excel, MS Word and MS PowerPoint.

Cara Daftar :

Terhadap teman-teman yang berminat untuk melamar silahkan kirimkan CV dan berkas lamaran anda ke alamat email :


Subject email : Job Title_Name

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